
Showing posts from January, 2009

My Labour Story

    So for the gory labour details, that people have been dying to know. Contractions started Saturday night at 10pm. Since I was so stir crazy for the past two weeks due to the snow I was totally psyched that this might be it. And it was. By 5am Sunday they were 5 minutes apart. I had called the BC Women’s assessment line (they tell you whether or not to come to the hospital) around 3am and they said not to come until the contractions were 5 minutes apart. I called them again at 5am, at this point during contractions I couldn’t talk and they said we should come in. So we called the ambulance (our car was stuck in the alley). When we got to the hospital I had to go through a physical assessment, basically a nurse fingers you to see how dilated your cervix is. Mine was 4cm so we didn’t get sent home. We went straight into a delivery room. It was ugly but I really wanted to have the baby so I didn’t care that Cedars wasn’t available due to understaffi...