
Showing posts from March, 2010

Skinny Bitches

I went out for a catch up lunch with two of my mommy buds. One of the mom's and I are still breastfeeding, either because we're wimps, or martyrs, I haven't decided which yet. The bi-product of breastfeeding beyond a year, is that I'm skinny now, and I don't really work out. Of course I'm totally weak, and useless too. I can't open a jar of pickles to save my life. I talked about how even though I can fit into my size 25 jeans, I'm not feeling shit hot. My other non-breastfeeding mommy bud told me to shut the fuck up.

It Is A Good Idea To Go Out On A Weeknight

Hubby was reading the Georgia Straight this past weekend, and found that my one of my favorite pop bands is coming to town, Dragonette . They're playing Wednesday night, doors open at 8pm. Before I finished thinking about what if, I didn't have a baby to breastfeed to bed, and what if, I didn't have to work in the morning, he suggested I go. Me: Huh? What? Really I should go? Do you think? What about Eloise? What about work in the morning? Him: GO! He knows me better than I know myself. Or maybe he just doesn't want me to complain about how I missed another fun event because I'm such a selfless, devoted mother. I bought tickets this morning so I couldn't change my mind. OK not as devoted after all. Wish me luck.

What Do I and Elderly Fat Men Have in Common...

I went to see a doctor, after waking up two days straight with a swollen and painful right foot. I hadn't done anything to cause it injury. The doctor told me it was Gout. I looked up Gout on Google while he wrote me a prescription. Gout mainly appears in elderly people and alcoholics. According to Wiki I have it because I'm producing too much Uric Acid, or  my bloodstream isn't getting rid of it fast enough. So the Uric Acid settles in the tissue of certain joints, commonly the big toe, and crystallizes, ew, hardens, and causes pain. I got a $15 prescription of pills, and am feeling 100% better. To avoid another Gout attack I need to stay away from the red meat, and alcohol.