Grow A Veggie Garden
I've been pretty blue lately. I think it's being 30, which is totally dumb because I have a great hubby, lots of friends, a beautiful daughter, a house, good hair, and nice clothes. What more could any woman want? Last October I picked up Oprah's magazine O. The edition was all about pursuing your passion. It's been in the back of my mind ever since then. I can't help but think I'm not pursuing my passion, and it's slowly killing me. Okay, that was a bit dramatic. It's not killing me, but it has made me review every single decision I've ever made. When I look at the past though, it seems like everything happened the way it was supposed to. If I start regretting stuff, then other really great stuff would have never happened. If I did that, I wouldn't have gotten married. He's wonderful, and it was a beautiful wedding so of course I don't regret it. If I had gotten that, I wouldn't have tried to have a baby. And she's amazing ...