
Showing posts from April, 2010

Moving To The Burbs

Over a year ago, I was an urban mom, pushing my urban baby, in my urban stroller, through hip and trendy Vancouver. I was so, Sex and The City Mom. This weekend I'm looking forward to house hunting in the suburbs. OMG, yeah tell me about it. My baby needs a yard, and our money can only buy us something good out in the burbs. We've thought about all the different ways to buy a home in Vancouver, but when it comes down to it, we want a house, we want dirt, a plot of land of our very own, to do whatever the hell we want on it, without needing permission from any strata. So high ho, high ho, it's off to the burbs we go. Luckily, the mall out there is home to the new Sephora, and an H&M.

A Wonderful Communicator

Eloise has been taking Sign Language classes since she was about 9 months old. I did the first session with her while I was still on Mat Leave, and my sister/nanny just finished another session with her recently. There are many studies that suggest Sign Language is a great tool for babies to communicate with before they start taking. Basic signs for milk, eat, sleep, and more show up in a lot of the kiddie programing on TV. So image how proud I was, when Eloise started using her first sign.... hat. Yup, hat. She doesn't tell me if she wants milk, or more, or if she's tired, but she'll tell me, by patting her head, that she sees a hat. Probably, the most useless sign for her to pick up but I don't care. That's my girl!