The Best Mother's Day Ever

It just so happened that our doctor confirmed we were pregnant the Friday before Mother's Day. We were only six weeks along. Concerns of a miscarriage later rocked my world. However, at the time, there was no doubt in my mind that we were having a baby , so I really wanted to tell the folks as soon as possible. The last time I visited my mom and dad on the island, my mother was trying to persuade me to go see the doctor to figure out why at 27 I was so infertile. Ironically, I was pregnant at the time.

Anyway, we had invited Donna, Spence's mom over to our house for a special Mother's Day brunch that I had prepared. After brunch, I told Donna that I wanted to get my mom on speaker phone, so I could wish her a Happy Mother's Day. The conversation went as follows;

ME: Hey, Happy Mother's Day!

MOM: Thanks sweetie, how are are?

ME: Really good. I have a very special present for you, but you can't have it until Christmas.

MOM: Huh? What?

Spence and I are smiling ear to ear as we watch Donna try to figure out the clue. Like my mom, she doesn't get it either.

MOM: Oh....Oh....Is it what I think it is.....

ME: Well what do you think it is?

MOM: a baby...?

Donna's eyes have filled with tears as she finally gets it.

ME: Yup, we're having a baby!

My dad starts talking. He's been on the speaker phone on their end too.

DAD: I'm so excited, let me play a song!

He's been taking guitar lessons, and what a better way to celebrate than an impromptu acoustic guitar solo. We say our good byes, and I can hear my mom choking back her tears.


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