Good-bye Mommy Brain

I go back to work, tomorrow. OMG! People have been asking me how I feel about it. My general response is, "Excited, because I really need to start exercising my brain."

I didn't realize how dumb I'd gotten this year, until yoga class yesterday.

I've been taking yoga on Tuesday nights for the past 4 months. It's been great for my body, and an awesome excuse to leave the house without my baby. However, since I'm going back to work, I figured that I might actually want to spend evenings, after work, with my child. So when I signed up for my next series of classes, I decided to do a weekend class, Saturdays 1pm to 2pm.

At the first class we started a little late, because of new registrants, signing of waivers, and payment processing. To my surprise, the instructor went an hour over. I guess it was to make up for the late start. I had only paid for an hour parking, so I was a little nervous when I walked out to the car. The Universe gave me a free pass though, because I didn't get a ticket.

Yesterday was my second class. I parked in a one hour zone just outside the yoga studio. That's just enough time to get in and get out. We started on time, so I figured I had nothing to worry about.

It was 1:50pm, almost the end of class. Usually we start doing a gentle pose, and get ready for mediation. The instructor put us in a shoulder stand. I started thinking about my parking. Seriously, was she going to go over every week? Didn't she know we had lives? Didn't she know, that I don't have all the time in the world, to freakin' do yoga? Didn't she know, that I had a baby I needed to get back to? Didn't she know, that the only parking spots close to the studio are one hour parking! I looked around the class, and wondered why I was the only one pissed. I didn't want to wreck the free extended yoga class for everyone, by asking her what the deal was, so I quietly packed up, and left.

On my way out of the studio I looked on the schedule, just to make sure I was right about the class length. I wasn't. I had signed up for a 1pm to 3pm class, not a 1pm to 2pm class.

I went home, and emailed my instructor an apology for walking out of her class. She emailed me back saying it was fine, and that if I wanted to make up the hour I lost, I could.


Therese said…
Oh yes... mommy brain! How is it going back to work? It will be my turn soon and as much as I love to use my brain, I will miss my girl!!!!
Kim said…
It's only my second week and I'm not quite used to it yet. I really miss my baby.... like really, really miss her!
Momisodes said…
Aw, that is sweet the instructor offered to make up the time.

I hear you on the mommy brains though. I seriously think fetuses in pregnancy steal brain cells :)

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